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Viro-R 30 ml Drop

Viro-R 30 ml Drop

Viro-R is a Homoeopathic combination medicine manufactured according to the formulation of AF 200 of internationally renowned homoeopathic manufacturer and researcher of SBL, France. It brings quick and significant attenuation of signs and symptoms of influenza and is highly effective in common cold. The specific signs and symptoms of influenza e.g. malaise, headache, pain in the back and limbs, fever, chills, anorexia, sneezing, blocked nose, watery nasal discharge, cough, flushing of face, suffused conjunctivae, hyperaemic fauces and tenderness over the sinuses are remarkably attenuated on the 2nd day in patients receiving Viro-R 30 ml drop.

Composition: Each 30 ml contains-

Arsenicum Album 200                     3 ml

Gelsemium Sempervirens 200       3 ml

Eupatorium Perfoliatum 200           3 ml

Bellis Perennis 200                         3 ml

Bryonioa Alba 200                           3 ml

and q.s to 30 ml with other ingredients.

Ref: Bangladesh Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia (BHP).

Indication: Cold, influenza and coryza; Acute influenzal cold with cough; Acute catarrhal condition with or without fever; Influenzal type of pains in the body with nasal cold; Sneezing and cough.

Dosage: Adults– 10 to 15 drops Children– 6 to 8 drops 04 times daily or as directed by the registered physician.

StorageStore in a cool & dry place and away from direct sun light. Keep out of reach of children.

Presentation: Each Commercial box of Viro-R contains 30 ml drop in amber color glass bottle.